In this video, Sir Ken Robinson, in the TED (Techology, Entertainment, Design) Conferences speaks about how the education kills the creative in the childrens.
Everybody we are differents and we have needs differents. The school and the education kills the creative because each children is diferent.
Teachers, we must help the children to find their capacities and habilities.
The other day I watched a video about the economic crash and the economist John Maynar Keynes.The video said:
In 1929´s there was a stock crash and many people lost all their money. The companies closed and the U.S.A. Economic had many problems. This situation forced that England, Germany and the rest of Europe had a lot of unemployment and the people were very angry.
In Germany, this situation was the begining of the Hitler´s Power and later the Second World War.
In 1936´s, an eonomist,who´s name was J.M. Keynes wrote the book "The General Theory". In this book, he said that Public Administration can intervene whwn it observes any problems in the markets. And not only it can, it must.
Keynes thinks that in the Economy, there are two problems: the inflation and the unemployment. And the two problems should never happen at the same time, because when there is inflation, the prices are very high and this happens because the people buys many things and the companies sell alot of things also; and the companies need many people to work and there shouldn´t unemployment.